As per the requiements of BSE, being a listed compnay, Ahmedabad Steelcrat Limited.
(CIN : L27109GJ1972PLC011500) offers all the financial information of the company for the invetors. This section shall contain the Quarterly Results, Profit & Loss A/c & Balance Sheet and Annual Reports.
(CIN : L27109GJ1972PLC011500) offers all the financial information of the company for the invetors. This section shall contain the Quarterly Results, Profit & Loss A/c & Balance Sheet and Annual Reports.
Financial Reports
Year 2017-18
Year 2016-17
Year 2015-16
Year 2014-15
Year 2013-14
Year 2012-13
Year 2012-13
Year 2011-12
Year 2010-11
Year 2018-19